Saturday, December 21, 2013

Race Report: Frostbite 5K (2013)

It was a cold and frigid winter day...not really. :)

Cannon Memorial YMCA hosts the Frostbite 5K.  Kannapolis, also called "Cannon's Town" after the founder, is colloquially known as the City of Looms and was built on the textile industry that boomed in North Carolina until the 1980s and 1990s.  This 5K begins at the Cannon Y and winds through millhouse neighborhoods and nearby parks and greenways.  It's one of my favorite towns, and it was a treat to run here.

One terrific thing about the South is the weather in winter.  Just days before Christmas, and people are running in shorts and t-shirts.  There were a few dressed in leggings and jackets, but it was a beautiful day.

Excellent weather for a run!
The course started out with quick downhill, and then was at a moderate grade most of the rest of the run.  We ran on roads and paved greenways almost the entire way.  The course looped back on itself, and I wasn't sure which side of the greenway trail I should stay on.  My mind said "right," but a volunteer said "left."  Either way, everyone made it past one another without incident.

I vividly remember thinking I was running pretty fast.  I've been reading about V02 max, which is the maximum oxygen you can breathe in over some period of time.  I haven't read a tremendous amount about it, and don't intend to because it goes against my running philosophy to keep it fun.  So that's my whole analysis:  I was breathing hard the whole way.  I don't know enough about V02 max to add anything meaningful here. :)

The toughest part was the final hill on the way back.  It was a relatively short stretch, but I had been pushing throughout the race, and didn't have much gas left in the tank.

Post race was fine, and the awards ceremony was held indoors.  Two things stood out for me:  first was the sheer number of awards; second was that people tend to collect their hardware and hit the road.  I hadn't paid it much attention in the worse-weather Run Run Rudolph 10K, as it was kind of expected that yucky weather would send people packing.  I think I'll start sticking around for all the awards.  Runners have poured a lot of effort into making the race and placing, and it makes sense to honor that by sticking around a few more minutes.

I didn't place, but what a time!  7:21 / mile is amazing, and a personal best for me!  I need to start reminding myself - I run just for fun.  That competitive spirit is coming out, and as a new runner I'm not sure it's a good or healthy thing.  Each of the past three years I managed to run too far and too fast (fast is relative - I was clocking 10:00 miles last year), and have suffered an injury each year until this one.

Overall a good run, and I like the long-sleeve tee that came in the goodie bag.  A little more could have been done for post-race water, but this is a definitely possibility for a repeat next year.  Did I mention 7:21? :)

===  RACE DAY  ===
Race:  Frostbite 5K
Location:  Kannapolis, NC
Shoe:  Avia Austin
Date:  12/21/2013
Distance:  5K
Time:  23:14
Pace:  7:21/mile
Overall:  31/286 (10.8%)
Gender:  N/A
Group:  5/16 (31.3%)

==  LINKS  ===
Website:  Cannon YMCA
Registration:  SportOften
Results:  Salisbury Rowan Runners

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